Pay expertise*
In accordance with the Regulations "On the order of conducting a fee-based expertise on the application of the citizens, including individual entrepreneurs and legal entities", approved by the Order of the State Forensic Examination Committee on 02.02.2016 №8, in the Central Office and territorial units of the State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus the procedure for carrying out the examinations on a fee-basis on the applications of the citizens, including individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, according to which the customer (person, including individual entrepreneur, a legal entity that appealed to the body of the State Forensic Examination Committee for the appointment of the expertise) personally or through his representative apply to the body of the State Forensic Examination Committee, where information is provided to him:
- a list of examinations carried out on a fee-basis;
- the cost and expertise payment order;
- working hours of the State Forensic Examination Committee.
Examinations are carried out for a fee on the basis of a contract, concluded in writing form between the authority of the State Forensic Examination Committee and the customer (hereinafter - the contract).
The contract should contain the following essential terms:
- type of examination, the name and the number of objects provided for the examination;
- a list of issues to be resolved;
- the cost of the examination;
- the calculation of the cost of the examination;
- the duration of the examination;
- rights and obligations, responsibilities of the parties under the contract.
The cost of the examination is (composed) of the cost of the examination as well as profitability, calculated as a percentage of the cost of work, and is defined in the contract.
When conducting a complex examination its cost is determined by summing the cost of the each separate expert research.
In the case of examination of the several objects its cost is determined by summing the cost of the expert examination of each object.
If it is necessary to carry out additional expert research for the completion of the examination within the period specified in the contract, the State Forensic Examination Committee informs the customer and tells him the approximate cost of the additional expert researches.
Further examination is carried out with the consent of the customer after the parties sign an additional agreement to the contract signed earlier.
The examination results are documented as an expert conclusion (usually without illustrative material).
*This information is for reference, intended to give general guidance to citizens, individual entrepreneurs and legal entities and doesn’t have any administrative or other legal functions.
Finally, the examinationcontains:
- a list of objects provided for the examination;
- used methods of expert research (briefly);
- the questions and answers to them;
- surname and initials of the forensic expert who carried out the examination.