State Forensic Examination Committee
of the Republic of Belarus

Objectivity. Honor. Motherland.

Official site
Department of forensic medicine
Head of the Department of Forensic Medicine Andrei Krylov PhD (Medicine), Assoc. Prof., State Forensic Medical Examiner, Pathologist of the highest qualification category

Teaching staff at the Department:

Aleksander Gerasimovich – Prof. of the Department, PhD (Medicine), Assoc. Prof.;

Andrei Krylov – Prof. of the Department, PhD (Medicine), Assoc. Prof.;

Anna Sviridova – Senior Lecturer of the Department;

Elena Kislova – Assoc. Prof. of the Department;

Igor Nikolaichik – Assoc. Prof. of the Department, PhD (Medicine);

Liudmila Somova – Assoc. Prof. of the Department;

Mikhail Samoilovich– Senior Lecturer of the Department;

Tatyana Abramovich – Senior Lecturer of the Department;

Tatyana Leshko – Senior Lecturer of the Department;

Vitaly Yatsuk– Senior Lecturer of the Department;

Vladimir Vitkovsky – Senior Lecturer of the Department.

Office manager of the Department: Inga Konopleva, methodist of the first qualification category.

Contact number: +375 17 308 60 97

The department carries out further training and retraining of executives and specialists having higher education according to the following specialties:

  • Forensic medical examination;
  • Forensic medical chemical examination;
  • Forensic medical biology examination;
  • Further training of executives and specialists in education profiles, education directions (education profile «Social sciencies. Journalism and information», education direction «Social and behavioral sciences», «Journalism and Information»; education profile «Business, management and law», education direction «Business and management», «Law»; education profile «Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics», education direction «Statistics»; education profile «Engineering, manufacturing and construction industries», education direction «Engineering»; education profile «Services», education direction «Transport, logistics and postal services»).
Department of forensic psychiatric and psychology
Head of the Department of Forensic Psychiatric and Psychology Victoriia Golubovich PhD (Medicine), Assoc. Prof., State Forensic Medical Examiner Psychiatrist of the highest qualification category

Teaching staff at the Department:

Anatolii Gelda – Assoc. Prof. of the Department, PhD (Medicine), Assoc. Prof.;

Elena Parfentsova – Senior Lecturer of the Department, PhD (Art), Assoc. Prof.;

Sergei Shimukovich – Assoc. Prof. of the Department, PhD (History), Assoc. Prof.;

Victoriia Golubovich – Prof. of the Department, PhD (Medicine), Assoc. Prof.;

Vladimir Dukorsky – Senior Lecturer of the Department;

Vladimir Semenov – Assoc. Prof. of the Department, PhD (Psychology);

Yulia Kurylenko – Senior Lecturer of the Department;

Yuri Ostianko – Assoc. Prof. of the Department, PhD (Medicine), Assoc. Prof.

Office manager of the Department: Tatiana Duk, methodist of the highest qualification category.

Contact number: +375 17 308 60 91

The department carries out further training and retraining of executives and specialists having higher education according to the following specialties:

  • Forensic medical psychiatric examination;
  • СMedical forensic psychological examination;
  • Forensic medical sexological examination;
  • Forensic art and cultural examination;
  • Further training of executives and specialists in education profiles, education directions (education profile «Social sciencies. Journalism and information», education direction «Social and behavioral sciences», «Journalism and Information»; education profile «Business, management and law», education direction «Business and management», «Law»; education profile «Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics», education direction «Statistics»; education profile «Engineering, manufacturing and construction industries», education direction «Engineering»; education profile «Services», education direction «Transport, logistics and postal services»).
Department of forensic criminalistic examinations
Head of the Department of Forensic Criminalistic Examinations Vladimir Smolenchuk

Teaching staff at the Department:

Alexander Bobrov – Senior Lecturer of the Department;

Alexander Patskevich – Assoc. Prof. of the Department;

Andrei Poskrebko – Senior Lecturer of the Department;

Boris Usovskii – Senior Lecturer of the Department;

Mikhail Fisiuk – Senior Lecturer of the Department;

Viacheslav Shabanov – Professor of the Department, Professor, LL.D.;

Vladimir Egorov – Senior Lecturer of the Department.

Office manager of the Department: Elena Pavliut, methodist of the first qualification category.

Contact number: +375 17 308 60 93

The department carries out further training and retraining of executives and specialists having higher education according to the following specialties:

Department of forensic technical and special examinations
Head of the Department of Forensic Technical and Special Examinations Tatiana Dudko

Teaching staff at the Department:

Aleksander Rubis – Professor of the Department, Professor, LL.D.;

Andrei Poskrebko – Senior Lecturer of the Department;

Galina Vlasova – Assoc. Prof. of the Department, PhD (Technology), Assoc. Prof.;

Kseniia Tagunova – Senior Lecturer of the Department, LL.M.;

Sergei Khalenkov – Senior Lecturer of the Department;

Tatiana Dudko – Senior Lecturer of the Department, LL.M.;

Vladimir Smolenchuk – Assoc. Prof. of the Department.

Office manager of the Department: Oksana Bogdan, methodist of the first qualification category.

Contact number: +375 17 308 60 96

The department carries out further training and retraining of executives and specialists having higher education according to the following specialties: