State Educational Institution Institute of Further Training and Retraining of the Personnel of the State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus
- 8 (017) 361-26-34, 8 (017) 361-28-83 (fax)
- 2/5-3 Partizanskii Ave, Minsk, 220033 Republic of Belarus
Institute history
In accordance with the order of the State Service for Medical Forensic Examinations dated August 28, 2003 No. 131, from September 1, 2003, the function of training, retraining and advanced training of specialists in the field of forensic medicine and forensic psychiatry was transferred to the educational institution “Republican training center for training, advanced training and retraining of personnel of the State Service for Medical Forensic Examinations "with the rights of a legal entity and on September 11, 2003, the Charter of the Republican Training Center for Training, Advanced Training and Retraining of Personnel of the State Service for Medical Forensic Examinations was approved.
In accordance with the order of the State Service for Medical Forensic Examinations dated October 21, 2008 No. 84, the educational institution "Republican Training Center for Training, Advanced Training and Retraining of Personnel of the State Service for Medical Forensic Examinations" was renamed into the state educational institution "Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Personnel of the State Medical Service forensic expertise".
2 departments were created at the Institute:
• Department of Forensic Medicine with a course of laboratory research of physical evidence (since March 2016 – Department of Forensic Medicine);
• Department of Forensic Psychiatry with a course in Forensic Psychology (since March 2016 – Department of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology).
Based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated April 22, 2013 No. 202, the State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus was established. In accordance with this Decree, the Institute was reassigned to the State Committee for Forensic Examinations; the state educational institution "Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Personnel of the State Service of Medical Forensic Examinations" was renamed into the state educational institution "Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Personnel of the State Committee for Forensic Examinations of the Republic of Belarus".
In September 2014, the Department of Forensic Criminalistic and Technical Examinations was established.
In March 2018, on the basis of the Department of Forensic Forensic Criminalistic and Technical Examinations, 2 departments began to function: the Department of Forensic Criminalistic Examinations and the Department of Forensic Technical and Special Examinations.
Tasks and functions
The state educational institution "Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Personnel of the State Committee of Forensic Expertise of the Republic of Belarus" is an institution of additional education for adults, subordinate to the State Committee for Forensic Expertise of the Republic of Belarus and realizing one of its main tasks for the training, retraining and advanced training of forensic experts, scientists, as well as other employees within the competence and scientific and methodological support of forensic expertise.
The Institute, by the type of institution of additional education for adults, is an institute for advanced training and retraining, which implements educational programs for additional education for adults, educational programs for postgraduate education.
The main goal of the Institute is to meet the needs of the State Committee for Forensic Expertise of the Republic of Belarus in highly qualified personnel, scientific, pedagogical and scientific personnel of the highest qualifications.