About the journal
Scientific practical journal Forensic Examination of Belarus was founded by the State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus in 2015 with a view to ensure comprehensive scientific, methodological and practical support of forensic activities.
Forensic Examination of Belarus publishes articles of eminent national and foreign scholars on various topics in the field of forensic science. The journal is included in the list of scientific editions of the Republic of Belarus for publication of results of dissertational researches on medical (in the field of forensic medicine), technical (in the field of forensic activities) and legal sciences.

Each issue also features articles on practical developments in order to promote information exchange on advanced forms and methods of organizing and conducting forensic examinations.
Moreover, the journal provides information on the most important Belarusian and international events in the field of forensic examination.
The journal actively publishes articles of leading Belarusian scientists and foreign representatives of the scientific expert community (Russia, China, Lithuania, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, the Netherlands, Armenia, etc).
ISSN: 2413-6158
Frequency: 2 times per year (with issues in April and October).
Address of the editorial office: Kalvariyskaya St., 43, 220073, Minsk, Republic of Belarus.
Contact phone: +375 (017) 308-61-82
Certificate of state registration of the mass media No. 1766 of May 11, 2015, issued by the Ministry of Information of the Republic of Belarus.
Editor-in-Chief: Gankovich Tatiana Petrovna (+375 17 308 63 25).
Editorial board:
Shved A. I. – Doctor of Laws, Associate Professor (Chairman of the Editorial Board);
Danchenko E. O. – Doctor of Medicine, Professor (Deputy Chairman of the Editorial Board);
Borchashvili I. S. – Academician of ANS of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Laws, Professor (Kazakhstan);
Voitov I. V. – Doctor of Technical Sciences;
Guchok A. E. – Doctor of Laws, Associate Professor;
Kozlov V. L. – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;
Leonovich S. N. – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;
Maylis N. P. – Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Laws, Professor (Russia);
Nikandrov V. N. – Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor;
Rossinskaya E. R. – Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Laws, Professor (Russia);
Rubis A. S. – Doctor of Laws, Professor;
Skugarevskiy O. A. – Doctor of Medicine, Professor;
Smirnova S. A. – Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Laws, Professor (Russia);
Tikovenko A. G. – Doctor of Laws, Professor;
Shabanov V. B. – Doctor of Laws, Professor;
Shakel N. V. – Ph. D. in Law, Associate Professor;
Shishko A. V. – Ph. D. in Economics (Russia).
Editorial collegium:
Chairman of the Editorial Collegium: Volkov A. A.;
Legal sciences: Lashin A. M., Moroz I. A. (Scientific Editor), Shumak G. A.;
Medical sciences: Anin E. A., Gelda A. P., Gerasimovich A. I., Golubovich V. V., Krylov A. Y., Kuhnovets O. A., Ovsiyuk Y. A., Ostianko Y. I., Tetiuev A. M.;
Technical sciences: Evmenenko S. A., Zaluzhny G. I., Krivitskiy A. M.;
Other sciences: Vrublevskii P. V., Kotova S. A., Smolskiy A. P.