State Institution Scientific and Practical Center of the State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus
- 8 (017) 316-63-84 (tel/fax)
- 25 Filimonova St., Minsk, 220114 Republic of Belarus
About the State Institution Scientific and Practical Center of the State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus (SPC)
The subject of SPC is scientific and practical activity and other kinds of activity in the sphere of criminalistics and forensic examination in compliance with the law (rules).
Objectives of SPC
- resolving of scientific and technical tasks in forensic examination and criminalistic area;
- organization and implementation of scientific, analytical, methodological and information support of courts and law-enforcement authorities activities of the Republic of Belarus;
- spread of scientific information about actual issues of criminalistics; forensic examination and other related spheres of knowledge;
- scientific-methodological and informational provision of forensic activities in the Republic of Belarus;
- organization and carrying out of forensic examinations pursuant to Charter tasks;
- effectiveness and development of scientific and technical potential and material and technical resources of the Center.
Functions of the Center
- fulfillment of research, design and experimental, scientific and methodological, consulting and other kinds of works corresponding to the goals and tasks of activity of the Center, including on base of the contract with individuals, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs;
- development of modern methods, methodologies and technical facilities for providing of expert researches;
- elaboration of scientifically-based criminalistics recommendations for conduction of pre-trial investigation (on base this researches);
- developing of criminalistics methods of crime detection for inspection and controlling authorities;
- researching of criminalistic means and methods for support of the state prosecution in trials;
- introduction of information technology and automated control system to expert and scientific examinations and to law-enforcement and courts working;
- realization of international cooperation;
- information and reference ensuring of different kinds of forensic examinations;
- preparation of expert and preventive proposals aimed to removal of causes and conditions of offenses for state authorities;
- informational, scientific and methodological providing of activity of forensic experts, investigators, prosecutors and judges in the sphere of forensic activities;
- formation of expert data bases, collections for using in activities of the State Forensic Examination Committee, law-enforcement authorities and judges;
- training (traineeship) of forensic experts in different kinds of examinations in their jurisdiction defined by the Charter;
- approbation of means and methodologies of forensic examination.
Heads of the State Institution Scientific and Practical Center of the State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus

Chief of the State Institution Scientific and Practical Center of the State Forensic Examination Vadim Poznyak 8 (017) 316-63-85
Deputy chief of the State Institution Scientific and Practical Center of the Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus Katerina Tolkacheva 8 (017) 308-60-03
Deputy chief of the State Institution Scientific and Practical Center of the Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus Yuri Sobol 8 (017) 308-60-02
Academic Secretary of the State Institution Scientific and Practical Center of the Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus Viktor Trepachko 8 (017) 308-60-04