State Forensic Examination Committee
of the Republic of Belarus

Objectivity. Honor. Motherland.

Official site
Alexey Volkov: “I am convinced that our meeting will be the next stage in strengthening cooperation between our agencies” 9 july 2024

The delegation of the Ministry of Justice of the People’s Republic of China headed by the Vice Minister Mr. Hu Weilie visited the State Forensic Examination Committee.

The purpose of the visit of the Chinese delegation is to get acquainted with the forensic expert activity of Belarusian forensic experts, the objectives of the State Committee, as well as with the material and technical equipment of the laboratories of the expert agency.

During the working meeting the Chairman of the State Forensic Examination Committee Major-General of Justice Mr. Alexey Volkov noted the high pace of development of interaction between the agencies of the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Belarus: “I am convinced that our meeting will be the next stage in strengthening cooperation between our agencies. We are interested in exchanging experience in various areas of forensic activity. We have something to share and learn from you. Constructive dialogue, exchange of specialists for internships, holding joint practical seminars and working meetings, expanding legal base of bilateral cooperation will help our agencies to reach a new qualitative level”.

The Vice Minister of Justice of the People’s Republic of China Mr. Hu Weilie thanked for the warm welcome and demonstration of the capabilities of the State Forensic Examination Committee: “Getting acquainted with the material and technical equipment of the State Forensic Examination Committee, learning the work of the Scientific and Practical Center, the Institute for Further Training and Retraining of the Personnel, RUE “Belsudexpertobespechenie” we came to the conclusion that in a lot of ways we are similar. Forensic examination is a very complex field of work that requires high professionalism. We admire your organization of forensic activities. I would like to continue our cooperation, find new points of contact to make our interaction even more useful and practice-oriented”.

The capabilities of the State Committee in the field of implementing special and criminalistic examinations were demonstrated to foreign guests. The guests show particular interest to the peculiarities of examination of handwriting objects from document copies, digital handwritten signatures, documents and their requisites, as well as the procedure and efficiency of adding newly identified psychoactive substances to the list of controlled substances on the territory of the Republic of Belarus in order to prevent the appearance on the territory of our country of substances which are not included into the prohibited list.

During visiting the exhibition of the modern expert capabilities the Chinese colleagues got acquainted with the automated information retrieval systems “Document” and “Trace”, the automated fingerprint identification system “Dacto 2000”, products of the RUE “Belsudexpertobespechenie”.

The Chinese delegation also visited the Scientific and Practical Center and the Institute for Further Training and Retraining of the Personnel of the State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus.

Following the visit, both Parties expressed interest in further interaction, exchange of experience and technologies for conducting forensic examinations.