State Forensic Examination Committee
of the Republic of Belarus

Objectivity. Honor. Motherland.

Official site
News of international cooperation
Belarusian experts visited the Republic of Moldova 10 october 2018

Representatives of the General Directorate of Forensic Examination and the State Institution «Scientific and Practical Center of the State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus» took part in the International Scientific and Practical Round Table on the topic «Problems of the Study of Copies in the Graphoscope and Technical Examination of Documents», which was held on October 5-6, 2018 by the National Center of Forensic Expertise under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Moldova.

The State Forensic Examination Committee has signed the Agreement on cooperation with the State Police of the Republic of Latvia 4 october 2018

The Chairman of the State Forensic Examination Committee Andrei Shved and the Chief of State Police of the Republic of Latvia Ints Kuzis signed the Agreement on cooperation in the field of forensic examination on October 4, 2018.

Belarusian forensic experts signed an Agreement on cooperation with Indian colleagues 2 october 2018

Today the visit of representatives of the Gujarat Forensic Science University to the State Forensic Examination Committee took place. The purpose of the visit was the signing of two Agreements on cooperation between the Gujarat Forensic Science University and the «Scientific and Practical Center of the State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus» and the «Institute of Further Training and Retraining of the Personnel of the State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus».

Belarusian forensic experts step up bilateral cooperation with colleagues from Uzbekistan 16 september 2018

During the official visit of the Head of State to Uzbekistan, the Agreement on cooperation in the field of forensic medicine was signed between the State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan.

The delegation of the Ministry of Justice of the People’s Republic of China visited the State Committee 7 june 2018

The Chinese delegation was acquainted with the activities of the State Committee, its goals and tasks, visited fire-technical and explosion examinations laboratories, drug and psychotropic substances research laboratories, their precursors and analogues, petroleum products research, materials, substances and items research, as well as ballistic examinations laboratories.